
Brand Communication

Redefining blockchain integration — empowering businesses with innovative design and strategic vision.


Levain, dedicated to empowering businesses in integrating blockchain technology seamlessly, embarked on a strategic mission to redefine blockchain solutions through a robust visual identity and user-centric design. With a mission to simplify blockchain integration for businesses of all scales, Levain aimed to facilitate the development and launch of blockchain-powered products and services.

This initiative was driven by Levain’s commitment to enabling entrepreneurs and established enterprises to capitalise on the opportunities presented by the decentralised economy. Central to its strategy was the development of a cohesive visual identity that not only highlighted Levain’s technological capabilities but also resonated with its target audience across the blockchain industry.


Creative direction
Anthony Lew

Creative design
JY Foo


"The visually compelling designs by Levain not only enhance our brand identity but also resonate deeply with our target audience across the blockchain industry."


Levain’s branding strategy centered around creating a seamless and visually compelling brand identity that effectively communicated its expertise and commitment to excellence in blockchain development. This involved crafting impactful design elements that conveyed Levain’s role in simplifying blockchain adoption and empowering businesses to innovate with confidence. By focusing on a unified visual language, Levain aimed to strengthen its market position and establish itself as a leader in facilitating blockchain integration for businesses.


Throughout the project, Levain emphasized the creation of design elements that supported its brand identity and market positioning.

The team developed sophisticated name cards for Levain’s executives, aligning with the brand’s innovative image and professional ethos. Creative T-shirt designs were conceptualized to promote team unity and reinforce Levain’s brand identity internally.

Visually compelling LinkedIn posts were crafted to showcase Levain’s industry thought leadership and engagement within the blockchain community. Additionally, Levain authored compelling blog posts and whitepapers to establish its authority in blockchain technology and share valuable insights with stakeholders.


"Levain’s thought leadership in blockchain technology shines through their insightful blog posts and whitepapers, offering valuable guidance to industry stakeholders."


The strategic design initiatives for Levain yielded significant outcomes. Levain successfully differentiated its brand and increased recognition in the competitive blockchain market. By enhancing user engagement and trust through impactful visual communication, Levain strengthened its market presence and cultivated partnerships with developers and enterprises seeking to leverage blockchain solutions. These achievements underscore Levain’s commitment to empowering businesses through visual innovation and user-centric design, solidifying its role as a catalyst for blockchain adoption in the modern economy.
